Revitalizing Digital Outreach


Leading Philanthropy in the Pacific Northwest

The M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust stands as a prominent philanthropic organization in the U.S., having contributed over $1 billion in grants to nonprofits across the Pacific Northwest in its 44-year history. Beyond funding, the Trust serves as a thought leader, providing essential development resources to nonprofits.


The Murdock Trust’s website needed a transformation to improve user accessibility and effectively deliver its wealth of resources.

  • Enhance the website’s user experience for diverse visitor needs
  • Strengthen the Trust’s brand voice and online identity
  • Revitalize the website with a mix of dynamic and evergreen content
  • Develop user-friendly Sector landing pages and an efficient Grants Database

Optimizing Knowledge Delivery

Our team began with a comprehensive UX overhaul for the Trust’s website:


Site Map

The process began with mapping the existing 400-page site to understand its structure and flow.

Journey map

User Journey

We recognized the diversity in visitor objectives and crafted usage scenarios for different user types to ensure an inclusive and effective experience.



The next step involved designing simplistic layouts for UX testing, allowing us to refine content and prioritize user needs.

Content Configuration

We conducted a thorough audit of the Trust’s extensive content library, which guided us in distinguishing dynamic from evergreen content. Our approach was methodical and user-focused, aiming to create a more intuitive, engaging, and informative online platform for the Trust’s audience.

photo of Murdock Trust content being evaluated, pages on a deskscreen capture of the Grant Resources section
photo of a chemistry teacher with two studentsscreen capture of a Sector Landing Page (Scientific Research)

New Sector Landing Pages

We developed a brand-new page type that highlights the specific areas where the Trust supports nonprofits.

Faster Grants Data

We developed a much-improved Grants Awarded Database that is faster, more detailed, and more useful.

A Revitalized Portal

The rejuvenated website emerged as a harmonious blend of functionality and design. New Sector landing pages were introduced, each tailored to highlight the Trust’s support areas, ensuring that visitors could easily navigate to relevant content. A significant enhancement was the upgraded Grants Awarded Database, now faster, more detailed, and user-friendly. The restructured website not only showcased the Trust's mission and offerings prominently but also became a dynamic resource center, catering to the evolving needs of grantees and nonprofits alike.

View the site ›
Devices showing screen captures of this project


The reimagined website has markedly improved user experience and engagement, resonating strongly with grantees and nonprofit organizations. It has become a vital resource, effectively communicating the Trust’s mission and offerings, and has seen increased return visits for its fresh and relevant content. This digital revitalization has not only elevated the Trust’s online presence but also reinforced its role as a key influencer and resource in the philanthropic community, enhancing its impact on the nonprofits it serves.

Serenity Studios has an eye not only for beautiful design, but intuitive navigation, and their team helped us think through how we could improve our website experience for our users by getting them to where they need to be, faster and more efficiently. The result is a website that is streamlined, easy to digest, and gets our grantees to the information they need in fewer clicks.
Camille Cotton

Camille Cotton

Grants & Communication Associate, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust


Content Strategy
Brand Development
Brand Messaging
Visual Identity


User Interface/Experience Design
Web Design
Web Development
Information Architecture
Website Optimization


Asset Curation

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4039 N Mississippi Ave #208, Portland, OR 97227  •  map ›

(971) 258-1824

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